This week’s story is “A Matter of Protocol” by Jack Sharkey. A lot of writers have speculated about what aliens would do here on Earth if they ever showed up, but what if humans were the aliens visiting a new world?
Here's a little bonus content from our narrator Darren Marlar's podcast Weird Darkness. H.G. Wells was a prolific sci-fi author, but with The Red Room he showed he could hold his own in the horror genre as well.
This week’s story is “Welcome Martians” by S.A. Lombino. What if we landed on Mars and discovered people who were so much like us that they wouldn’t actually believe you were from Earth?
Our story this week is “Don’t Shoot” by Robert Zacks. If you invent something Earth-changing, you need to be careful who you sell the technology to. You might end up inadvertently creating a cryptid.
This week’s story is “The Merchants of Venus” by A. H. Phelps. If you were trying to recruit people for a new colony, who would you choose? Most people would be looking for the next George Washington, or at the very least the next Neil Armstrong. History suggests, they’d be wrong.