This week’s story is ”The Furious Rose” by Dean Evans, which looks at a future where society punishes criminals by taking something unexpected from them.
This week, we have “Pen Pal” by Stephen Marlowe. We meet Matilda, a young woman looking for love by submitting letters to a literary magazine. That’s something much more common when the story was published in 1951 and probably pretty close to using a dating app these days. When she thinks she’s found the love of her life, things get really strange
This week’s story is “Special Parts” by Matthew DeBlock, an original story that takes a look at a fascinating world all around us that we never see.
This week we have "The Irritated People" by Ray Bradbury. Charles Crossley, the President of American Jet-Propelled Ships, finds himself in a world teetering on the edge of chaos. The World Organization keeps has banned all wars, so countries have to get creative to settle their differences.
This week’s story is "The Eternal Wall" by Raymond Gallun. The Eternal Wall is a story that weaves together themes of love, tragedy, and the passage of time. It reminds me of the 1973 Gene Roddenberry movie Genesis II, or Futurama. Both stories deal with people who suddenly find themselves in the far flung future. This story will tug on your heart strings a little more than either of those, though.